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The GETWebMobile App is the new state-of-the-art system for smartphones and tablets for the management of photo-reading, utility census and meter replacement services for water, gas and electricity services.

High-speed mobile Internet connectivity, built-in high-resolution cameras, GPS receivers, voice control capabilities > and the advanced graphic interface available on smartphones allow the performance objectives required by each meter reading, photo reading, census and meter replacement service to be achieved at a low cost.

You no longer need expensive terminals to read meters, just a smartphone or tablet!


GETWebMobile works on mobile devices with Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad), Android and Windows Phone 8.1 operating systems.

To ensure an effective degree of protection for your smartphone or tablet, F.IMM can recommend the most suitable rugged case for your individual need. GETWebMobile works even in the absence of cellular network coverage.

The installation of GETWebMobile is simple and takes place remotely via the Internet. The program update is automatic.

Operators access the system by entering their login credentials and automatically receive the list of users to visit, divided by load and by type of service.
Integrated statistical functions allow operators to know the progress of the activity in the field at any moment.
To reduce processing times, it is possible to share the same load of users to visit among several operators at the same time.
The utilities to be visited for each load received are displayed in a list in which the different types of results of the visits performed are highlighted in different colors (reading acquired, non-reading, postcard issued, etc.).

For each user, the location and address are displayed, as well as the company name of the contract holder.
The display order of the users can be parameterized by the operator, who can also carry out extensive searches using the powerful internal text search engine and apply filters on the data display, such as removing them from the list of users already visited. The user data to be visited are displayed on several screens, giving priority to those immediately necessary for the conclusion of the visit. Every other detail, including those detected by previous reading campaigns, is transmitted together with the loads of users to visit, in order to facilitate and speed up the operator's activity as much as possible.
To identify the user to visit, the operator also has a GPS satellite navigator integrated in the application, capable of geocoding in real time the location address of the meter to be read if the relative coordinates are not available geographical.

For each visit performed, the geographical coordinates of the user's location are automatically and transparently detected for the operator.
The integrated GPS, combined with the automatic date and time synchronization services, allow you to always have the exact moment and position in which each operation was carried out.
The photographic recording of the counter dial takes place automatically after the operator has entered the reading.
The high-resolution camera allows excellent results to be obtained both on the photos of the meters and on the "environment photos", necessary to certify any anomalies, missed readings or absences of users.
The photos and data taken in the field can be transmitted to the GETWeb management system immediately or upon request by the operator, optimizing processing times.


- reduction of compilation and typing errors through the use of appropriate controls of consistency and consistency of data automatic georeferencing
- ease of use
- real-time availability of reading data
- integrated navigator
- wide operational autonomy
- works even in the absence of cellular network connectivity
- automatic updates without the need to access the stores (AppStore or PlayStore)


DPO: Cristiano Pastorello
F.IMM srl | Viale delle Industrie, 13/A | 45100 ROVIGO
REA n. 90489 | CAPITALE SOCIALE € 484.000,00 INT. VERS. | Cod. Fisc. e Part. I.V.A. n. 00724860291